Dynamics 365 Configuration and Customization. Power App Portal Development, Power Platform development, Azure development, C#.Net, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL Server etc.
A Plug-in is custom business logic (code) that we integrate with Dynamics 365 where as Workflow in CRM allow us to automate simple and complex business processes.
Below are the some of the difference:
When we are using Plugin we have a number of triggers available (called as Steps/Message) to trigger the plugin execution,
Where Custom workflows are triggered by standard workflows available in CRM, that make the custom workflow triggers limited(Create, Update, Status Change, Delete and On assign).
Workflows and by extension, custom workflow activities, execute totally asynchronously. Plugins can execute both asynchronously and synchronously.
Plugin overall execution time is lesser then workflows and if validations are required to be performed then plugins should be preferred.
Workflows can be manually executed, or automatically triggered by selected events. Workflows can be limited to automatically execute within specific organizational scopes (ie. Org, BU, Parent and Child BUs, or for the Owner only). Plugins are always triggered by the messages to which they’re subscribed, though some Messages allow limiting execution based on whether certain attributes have been passed into the Message.
Workflows can be turned off (by unpublishing). Plugins are always on. Custom workflow activities can be used in many Workflows. Workflows can be developed through the Workflow design interface. Plugins must be developed in Visual Studio. Workflows do not require compiling (though custom workflow activities do). Plugins and custom workflow activities must be compiled and deployed through processes external to CRM.
What is Assign and Share Privilege in Microsoft Dynamics CRM?
Ans: Basically two type of entities are created:
a. Organization
b. User and Team Owned
When entity is created as Organization type then it does not have field 'Owner' on the form. Basically which means the record of this entity type can not be owned by any user. It is kind of master record in Dynamics.
When entity is created as User and Team owned then will have 'Owner' field on the form. Any record created in Dynamics of these entities should be owned by any user or team in Dynamics.
Assign or Share works only for User and Team owned type entity. It will not have option for organization type entity.
Assign: When we have assign privileges given then we can assign the record to another user or teams. When we do this then the ownership of that record is transferred to another user or teams. It will have all accessibility as per the user or teams has security role.
Share: When we have share priviledge then we can share the particular records to another user or teams. When we share the record then ownership of the record is not change but the accessibility of the record is share to new user/team. When record is share, its mapping is created in POA (Principle Object Access) table. which define what about its accessibility.
When we share lot of record then the size of POA table increased and it may decrease the performance of system.